Selective Motor Cars


Product & Motion Designer


Figma & After effects

Selective Motor Cars needed a heuristic evaluation and brand redesign. The priority for the client was to make the website easy to navigate and be appealing to users.

  • Ensure an efficient car buying experience with specific filters.

  • Allow for easier preview of top rated cars in the inventory.

  • Incorporate brand design into CTA buttons

The dealership owner reported customers found an ease of navigating their inventory which led to a more efficient and streamlined process of buying a car.

During the research phase, I encountered three common customers that fall under Selective Motor Cars’ clientele. When purchasing a car, many customers are concerned with cost, mileage, and dependability.

Questions for customers included, “What price range are you looking for?”, “Are you tech-savvy?”, and “Do you have a family or live alone? I conducted research near my University campus which gave a user range from student to elderly workers.

Design System

  • Blue is a foundational and easily identifiable color for car dealerships and allows the consumer to feel trust and correlate Selective with reliability.

  • The red helps differentiate Selective from other dealerships as an accent color that is a call to action.

  • Typography was crucial to establish the brand presence in 2024 as a sleek but familiar presence.